Top Signs Your Electric Furnace Requires Maintenance

November 24, 2023


At Fogarty Heating & Ventilation, we understand the importance of maintaining a comfortable and cozy home in Calgary, Canada. Our expertise in air conditioning installation and HVAC services has helped countless homeowners in the region.

Also Read: Top Signs Your Furnace Needs Maintenance: Don’t Ignore These Red Flags

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the top signs that your electric furnace needs maintenance. Whether you rely on your electric furnace to stay warm during the harsh Calgary winter season or to complement your air conditioning system in the summer, regular maintenance is crucial to ensure its efficiency and longevity.

Signs Your Electric Furnace Requires Maintenance

1. Reduced Heating Efficiency

One of the most noticeable signs that your electric furnace needs attention is a decrease in heating efficiency. You might find that it takes longer to reach your desired temperature or that certain rooms remain chilly.

This inefficiency can result from clogged filters, worn-out components, or faulty thermostats. To address this issue, it’s essential to schedule yearly maintenance to clean and inspect the furnace thoroughly.

2. Uneven Heating

If you notice uneven heating in your home, where some areas are too warm while others remain cold, it could be a sign of problems with your electric furnace.

Yearly maintenance can identify and rectify issues such as blocked ducts, damaged blowers, or malfunctioning fans that may cause uneven heating in your Calgary home.

3. Increased Energy Bills

Have you noticed a sudden spike in your energy bills without a corresponding increase in heating comfort? This could indicate that your electric furnace is working harder than it should due to accumulated dust, debris, or worn-out components. Regular maintenance can help optimize your furnace’s performance, leading to energy savings.

4. Unusual Noises

A well-maintained electric furnace should operate quietly. If you start hearing unusual noises like clanking, rattling, or squealing, it’s time to investigate further.

These sounds can be indicative of loose or damaged parts, which should be addressed promptly through yearly maintenance to prevent further damage.

5. Frequent Cycling On And Off

If your electric furnace cycles on and off more frequently than usual, it might be a sign of thermostat issues, clogged filters, or a malfunctioning blower motor.

Yearly maintenance can diagnose and resolve these problems, ensuring your furnace operates smoothly.

6. Visible Dust And Debris

Inspect your furnace for visible dust and debris accumulation, especially around vents and filters. Excessive buildup can reduce airflow, strain the system, and reduce indoor air quality.

Regular maintenance from certified HVAC contractors includes cleaning and replacing filters, ensuring the air in your Calgary home remains clean and healthy.

7. Yellow Or Flickering Flame

For electric furnaces equipped with burners, a yellow or flickering flame instead of a steady blue one can indicate problems with combustion.

This issue can result from dirty burners or inadequate airflow. Yearly maintenance will address burner cleanliness and airflow, ensuring safe and efficient operation.

8. Persistent Odours

Unpleasant or persistent odours coming from your electric furnace can be a sign of various issues, including dust accumulation, mould growth, or even a malfunctioning blower motor.

Professional furnace maintenance services from certified HVAC contractors include cleaning and inspecting the system to eliminate these odours and ensure optimal indoor air quality.

9. Increased Allergy Or Respiratory Symptoms

If you or your family members experience an uptick in allergy or respiratory symptoms when your electric furnace is running, it could be due to poor air quality caused by a neglected HVAC system.

Timely maintenance helps keep indoor air clean and healthy, reducing the risk of allergies and respiratory issues.

10. Age Of The Furnace

Consider the age of your electric furnace. Older units may require more frequent maintenance to keep them operating efficiently.

A yearly check-up becomes especially important as furnaces age to extend their lifespan and avoid unexpected breakdowns.

11. Warranty Requirements

Check your furnace’s warranty documentation. Some manufacturers require yearly maintenance to keep the warranty valid. Skipping maintenance may void your warranty, potentially costing you more in the event of future repairs.

About Fogarty Heating & Ventilation

At Fogarty Heating & Ventilation, we have been serving the Calgary community for years, providing top-notch HVAC services, including air conditioning installation, furnace maintenance, and more. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to keeping your home comfortable year-round. Learn more about us or Contact us today for all your heating and cooling needs in Calgary, Canada.

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